As usually you don't need to create all items at once, but it is quit convinient way to check if all items could be created and container doesn't have cyclic creation dependencies.
Copy describe('myContainer', () => {
it('creates all items', () => {
expect({ ...container }).toEqual(container);
As you can see all items could be instantiated by using spread or rest operators:
Copy const items = { ...container }; // using spread operator
// or
const { ...items } = container; // using rest and destructuring
Copy type Container = {
x: number,
y: number,
z: number,
const container = diContainer<Container>(Object.create(null, {
x: { value: () => 1, enumerable: true },
y: { value: () => 2, enumerable: true },
z: { value: () => 3, enumerable: false },
const items = { ...container };
console.log({ z: items.z });
// prints: { z: undefined }
isXReady: isReady(container, 'x'),
isYReady: isReady(container, 'y'),
isZReady: isReady(container, 'z'),
// prints: { isXReady: true, isYReady: true, isZReady: false }
Copy const container = diContainer<Container>(Object.create(null, {
x: { value: () => 1, enumerable: true },
y: { value: () => 2, enumerable: true },
z: { value: () => 3, enumerable: false },
const items = prepareAll(container);
console.log({ z: items.z });
// prints: { z: 3 }
isXReady: isReady(container, 'x'),
isYReady: isReady(container, 'y'),
isZReady: isReady(container, 'z'),
// prints: { isXReady: true, isYReady: true, isZReady: true }