
creates and returns an empty IOC-Container. The first item will be created and stored only after it is requested.


import diContainer from 'true-di';
const { default: diContainer } = require('true-di');


function diContainer<IContainer extends object>(factories: IFactories<IContainer>): IContainer
function diContainer<Private extends object, Public extends object>(
  privateFactories: Pick<IFactories<Private & Public>, keyof Private>,
  publicFactories: Pick<IFactories<Private & Public>, keyof Public>,
): Public

Arguments (1st overload)

  • factories: IFactories<IContainer> -- plain JavaScript object that is used as a map, where field names are item names and values are factory-functions that create correspondent items. To support property/setter injections the values of the factories-object could be a tuple (array), the first item of such tuple is a factory function and the second is an instance initializer.

Returns (1st overload)

  • container: IContainer

Arguments (2nd overload)

  • privateFactories: Pick<IFactories<Private & Public>, keyof Private> - the factories of the private services

  • publicFactories: Pick<IFactories<Private & Public>, keyof Public> - the factories of the public services

Returns (2st overload)

  • container: Public - container resolving public services only

Factory Types

Type IFactories<IContainer>

Type declaration:

type IFactories<IContainer extends object> = {
  [name in keyof IContainer]:
    IFactory<IContainer, name> | IFactoryTuple<IContainer, name>

Type IFactory<IContainer, name>

Type declaration:

type IFactory <IContainer, name extends keyof IContainer> =
  (container: IContainer) => IContainer[name]

Type IFactoryTuple<IContainer, name>

Type declaration:

type IFactoryTuple<IContainer, name extends keyof IContainer> =
  [IFactory<IContainer, name>, IInstanceInitializer<IContainer, name>];

Type IInstanceInitializer<IContainer, name>

Type declaraion:

type IInstanceInitializer<IContainer, name extends keyof IContainer> =
  (instance: IContainer[name], container: IContainer) => void;

The container doesn't have any methods but only properties copied from the factories. You can get all property descriptors using standard JS-API.

Example "Getting Started"

import diContainer from 'true-di';
import { IContainer } from './interfaces';
import Logger from './Logger';
import DataSourceService from './DataSourceService';
import ECommerceService from './ECommerceService';

const container = diContainer<IContainer>({
  logger: () =>
    new Logger(),

  dataSourceService: ({ logger }) => 
    new DataSourceService(logger),

  ecommerceService: ({ logger, dataSourceService }) =>
    new ECommerceService(logger, dataSourceService),

export default container;

Example "Exposing only ECommerceService"

import diContainer from 'true-di';
import { IInfoLogger, IDataSourceService } from "./interfaces";
import Logger from './Logger';
import DataSourceService from './DataSourceService';
import ECommerceService from './ECommerceService';

const createLogger = () =>
  new Logger();

const createDataSourceService = ({ logger }: {
  logger: IInfoLogger
}) => new DataSourceService(logger);

const createECommerceService = ({ logger, dataSourceService }: {
  logger: IInfoLogger,
  dataSourceService: IDataSourceService,
}) => new ECommerceService(logger, dataSourceService);

const { ecommerceService } = diContainer({
  logger: createLogger,
  dataSourceService: createDataSourceService,
}, {
  ecommerceService: createECommerceService,

await ecommerceService.getOrders();

Example "Working With Cyclic Dependencies"

type Node = {
  child: Node;
  parent: Node;
  name: string;

type Container = {
  parentItem: Node;
  childItem: Node;

const createNode = (name: string): Node => ({ child: null, parent: null, name });

const container = diContainer<Container>({
  parentItem: [
    () => createNode('Parent'),
    (parentItem, { childItem }) => {
      parentItem.child = childItem
  childItem: [
    () => createNode('Child' cxx),
    (childItem, { parentItem }) => {
      childItem.parent = parentItem;

Last updated

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